Lacey’s Spring, Alabama is an unincorporated community located at the base of Brindlee Mountain. It is part of the Decatur Metropolitan Area and the Huntsville-Decatur Combined Statistical Area. It is south of Huntsville’s Lands and within Morgan County.
Nextdoor has local recommendations
If you want to find out what’s happening in your neighborhood, Nextdoor is the place to go. You’ll be able to find local news, classifieds, and important alerts, and recommendations from other Laceys Springs, Alabama, neighbors. The community also provides a forum for neighbors to buy and sell items, such as used couches.
Weather station nearby
If you’re looking for a weather station nearby in Laceys Springs, AL, you’ve come to the right place. The average temperature is 91 degrees Fahrenheit and can drop as low as 70 degrees. This area is pleasantly humid, and the average low temperature is 21 degrees Fahrenheit. The warmest months in Laceys Springs are July and August. The coolest months are January and February, with lows around 31 degrees. You should be aware that these are only averages, but they’re based on historical data.
School quality
Laceys Spring Elementary School is rated as being in the top 50% for overall test scores and reading proficiency. The school’s student-teacher ratio is about the state average of 17:1. It is part of the Morgan County School District. This school is ranked within the top 50% of all schools in Alabama for diversity.
There are several factors that go into determining school quality. The government provides this information for each school in a district. However, a school can receive several different ratings in different categories. In addition, schools can earn badge eligibility by proving that they are an excellent educational institution.
The area has a higher earthquake risk than the state average. In fact, the region’s historical earthquake activity is more than 157% higher than the U.S. average. Another consideration is that Morgan County has experienced 18 natural disasters, which is significantly higher than the national average of 15. This includes windstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Other natural disasters in the area include drought and snowfall.
Distance from Hartselle
When you’re considering a trip from Hartselle to Lacey Springs in Alabama, you’ll need to take several things into account. First, you’ll need to determine the distance between the two places. This can be done in several ways. Using a route planner like ViaMichelin will help you calculate your route from Hartselle to Laceys Spring. You can also find the quickest and most economical route.
Once you have the approximate distance between two cities, you can begin exploring. You can also check out nearby towns and cities within a 100-mile radius. You can view a list of nearby towns by using the drop-down menus. These lists can help you choose the perfect itinerary for your trip.
If you’re looking for the fastest way from Hartselle to Lacey Springs in Alabama, you should take State Route 36. This 44.5-mile highway traverses northern Alabama. It begins in Somerville and continues through Pence, then turns northeast and intersects with U.S. 231. In Lacey Springs, you’ll find U.S. 231 and the Tennessee River.